
Showing posts from April, 2018

Know Your Rhesus Factors and Dangers Associated With Them

Rhesus(Rh) factor is a protein that can be present on the surface of the red-blood cell. People that have the Rh factor are Rh positive +, those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh negative-. The + and - in front of the blood group is the rhesus factor. So we have A+,A-,O+,O-, B+,B-,AB+,AB-. Rhesus factor is genetic, it's gotten from the parents emphatically the man.  Now that we are clear on what Rh factor is Let's move further to why I said Ifeoma is the cause of her miscarriages . if you are Rh positive eg(a+,b+,o+,ab+) you are safe, but if you are negative eg(a-,B-,AB-,O-) you not. If are a male Rh - u are safe, if you are a female u aren't. If you a rh- woman gets pregnant for a man who is rh- you are safe but if you get pregnant for a man who is Rh+ you aren't.  Most people are Rh positive only very few are negative, the possibility for a rh- woman to find a rh- man is slim. Let's assume Ifeoma is rh- and during her school days she aborted a pregnancy, the...

Fear and Worry Are Your Hindrances To Successful Life

Fear and Worry THE great negative note in the lives of most people is Fear. Fear is the mother of all the negative emotions, and her brood is found clustering very closely around her. Worry, Lack of Confidence, Bashfulness, Irresolution, Timidity, Depression, and all the rest of the negative brood of feelings and emotions are the progeny of Fear. Without Fear none of these minor emotions or feelings would exist. By killing off the parent of this possible brood of mental vampires, you escape the entire coming generations of negative thoughts, and thus keep your Mental Attitude garden free from these pests and nuisances. Fear and the emotions that come from its being do more to paralyze useful effort, good work, and finely thought-out plans, than aught else known to man. It is the great hobgoblin of the race. It has ruined the lives of thousands of people. It has destroyed the finely budding characters of men and women, and made negative individuals of them in the place of strong,...

Why Sex is Important in a Relationship

    Aside from procreation, sex is important for many reasons in any committed relationship. It is ultimately about intimacy, pleasure and sexual expression. Sex has many positive physical, intellectual, emotional and social benefits. Understanding these benefits will help couples recognize that sex in their relationships will not only help themselves, but help bond their relationship further and create a deeper sense of intimacy in a loving relationship. Whether this is a long–term relationship or one that's just starting out, sex is an important thing to consider for your overall health. Physically, an active sex life may yield many benefits, including a youthful appearance due to better dietary habits and frequent exercise. Studies show that sexual activity burns calories and fat, but can also cause people to live more healthy lifestylesin general. People who have sex regularly were found to have higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA), which, accord...

Master Your Mental Attitudes And Win Your Battle Over Money

 Mental Attitude YOU remember the saying of the sacred writer: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." A truer statement never was uttered. For every man or woman is what he or she is, by reason of what he or she has thought. We have thought ourselves into what we are. One's place in life is largely determined by his Mental Attitude. Mental Attitude is the result of the current of one's thoughts, ideas, ideals, feelings, and beliefs. You are constantly at work building up a Mental Attitude, which is not only making your character but which is also having its influence upon the outside world, both in the direction of your effect upon other people, as well as your quality of attracting toward yourself that which is in harmony with the prevailing mental state held by you. Is it not most important, then, that this building should be done with the best possible materials—according to the best plan—with the best tools? The keynote of this chapter is: "A positiv...